DTSC will present at the August 2 MAC meeting. Currently, public comments are due August 3, 2022
Did you receive the notice?
So far, the CenterPoint Properties warehouse project is proceeding. (506 Brookside Dr)
You should have received a notice from Department of Toxic Substances Control. It’s a notice citing the removal of toxins from the site, including lead and arsenic.
Currently, there is a Public Comment Period until July 13, 2022 regarding the draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW).
As I went to the Envirostor site to review the removal plan, I note that this project has been in the works since 2018.
As I looked through the site, I have to say the communication with the community has been shallow at best.
Community Engagement
When there is community engagement about these sites, there should be full context at the outset about proposed future use.
Further, if the County is aware that the community desires more green space, why approve this massive warehouse across from the farm, next to a school and park? In terms of community health and added-value, it does nothing for the community.
If the site has been previously used for agriculture, why not approve a project that has organic use for the community. (But we are just now revisiting the General Plan after 31 years.)
If you take in consideration the community’s many challenges and need for open and green space, an aboretum, gardens, a housing development with custom green spaces and light retail would be a much better fit.
With this project, the tenant is currently unknown. These projects are unfair to residents, the farm, and our little people.
At any rate, I requested the proposed plan. Review it here: Envirostor.
To comment on removal of toxins from the Brookside site, email [email protected].
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