Why is Martin Luther King Jr Day celebrated as a Day of Service?
It seems as though some corporations see it as a day to encourage employees to volunteer at various nonprofits.
I think Dr. King’s message gets lost in these Day of Service scenarios.
It’s amazing all the accolades, maybe even lip service given to Dr. King’s name. When in reality he wasn’t well-liked in his day.
Matter of fact, his wife Ms. Coretta said that ‘they killed my Martin when he started talking about money.’
You hardly hear anyone mentioning Dr. King’s economic agenda. For a lot of folks, it’s simply a day off.
Dr. King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech was really about economics. Though most focus on the I have a dream part.
We should take the time to study his work and the blueprint he offered. We could potentially find solutions for today’s societal issues.
His book asks the questiion, Where do we go from here – chaos or community?
Perhaps we should read it to see how we can stabilize our communities and answer some of today’s questions.
If we do anything with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day, let it not be an exercise in platitudes.